Jenn Osias | The Chaotic Good

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ORC Fall '21 Part Three: Dining Room Reveal

You can catch up on my previous ORC posts here and you can also watch the whole ORC process on my Instagram highlight. Don’t forget to check out the 20 Featured Designers and the rest of the Guest Participants!

If I can sum up this dining room makeover in one sentence I would have to borrow a line from Drake: It's been a long fight and I just had to have a warrior's spirit that's all.

I’m not sure if it was the supply chain delays or the fact that this sun now sets as noon but this Fall ORC has been a journey. Even though this room was simple in design and smaller than my Spring ORC, this was somehow harder.

But I persevered and now I’m finally ready to reveal to you my Fall ORC!!

But first…let’s pour a little out for the old room:

It’s the chaos for me.

Now for the after!


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